In a world where famine and hunger are a daily battle for millions of people, the need to reduce food waste, and indeed the concept of food waste, can be difficult to comprehend.
However, the statistics on the volumes of food wasted are alarming.
Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes — gets lost or wasted.
In this episode, I unpack the issue of food waste and discuss how it’s generated, the impact of food waste on the environment, and simple measures you can take to reduce food waste in your home.
All too often I hear of people who are running their dream, self-sufficient home, but it’s become a nightmare.
They’re working around the house and garden more than ever, are stressed out, and what was fun and exciting when they started out has become a chore and a big weight on their shoulders.
In this episode, I’m sharing my best advice on how to build a self-sufficient home that affords you maximum freedom and flexibility (and don’t worry: this advice can be applied right from the beginning, or be used to tweak things if you’re a bit further along the path, but your self-sufficient home has begun to swallow you whole).
Click here to get your free shopping and meal planner.
If you’re wanting to live a more self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle, it’s likely you’ll need to break some old, bad habits and replace them with new, sustainable ones.
But how do you break a bad habit?
In this episode I’ll explain why bad habits are typically hard to break. I’ll also share some tips on how you can replace an old habit with a new one.
If you’re keen to reduce your impact on the planet and improve your family’s health and well being in the process, but you’re just not sure where to start you’re in the right place!
In this podcast, I’ve collated my best tips to start (or up level) your eco journey. You’ll also be able to complete a fun quiz that will help you identify how self-sufficient your lifestyle currently is. Click here to discover how self-sufficient your lifestyle is!
If you’ve ever built a new home, you’ll appreciate just how much time and effort goes into planning, designing and building. But what about it you want to take it a step further and make sure that your build is as sustainable as possible?
This week on the podcast I’m joining my husband Paul to share some of our learnings and tips on how to build a sustainable home.